Month: April 2020


Steam Pumpkin Cake “南瓜蛋糕”

Pumpkin cakes are very delicious because pumpkin adds natural sweetness and helps soften the texture of the cake. This recipes makes really soft, moist and tasty pumpkin cake. Every time I make them, its gone within minutes 🙂 Pumpkin is known as a superfood packed with Vitamin A for healthy eyesight and also rich in […]

Steamed Bun Recipes

Chinese Steam Bao Buns “挂包”

Craving for these chinese steam bao buns. Since I had to stay home, I had no choice but to make them. Made a lot of tweaks to the recipe and finally managed to get the right texture. This chinese steam bao bun recipe makes really springy, cotton soft and fluffy buns just like the restaurants. […]